
Effitec Needles®

Efficiency and comfort guaranteed

Patented, Effitec Needles®, posess a double scalpel blade bevel which incises the tissues without tearing.   Learn more

Why choose Effitec needles ?

The advantages are numerous

  • The unique feature of patented Effitec Needles is their cutting edge, double bevel that renders a scalpel blade. The patients no longer feel the prick, the tissues are no longer torn but incised for a completely painless needle penetration.
  • For intraligamentary (PDL) and intraseptal (subcrestal) injections, the needle will penetrate painlessly much deeper and without twisting. Your anesthesias are easier and more effective.
  • For attached gingiva and palatal injections, a special “intelligent” bevel indicator on the needle hub allows to correctly orientate the bevel for a very shallow penetration and a painless anesthesia.
Anesthetize with great serenity:
  • The complete range has been designed to cover all your needs.

The advantages of Effitec Needles?

benefices rassurant indolore
The scalpel blade bevel incises and reduces trauma for the patient.
Adapted for intraosseous anesthesia
The scalpel blade bevel ensures optimum performances. The penetration is easier and without risk of heating the bone.
EFFITEC® Needles are compatible with all metric model syringes on the market and for all anesthesia techniques.
Easier penetration
The scalpel blade bevel incises the mucosal surface, therefore requiring less force from the dental professional when penetrating into dense tissues and during needle penetration to anethetize the periosteum.

Opinions and articles on Effitec Needles®


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Andrew Prynne nb

Dr. Andrew PRYNNE,
Bournemouth - Royaume-Uni

The DHT needles are unique and are specifically designed to allow both a completely painless entry into the soft tissues ...
Andrew Prynne nb
The DHT needles are unique and are specifically designed to allow both a completely painless entry into the soft tissues ...

Les aiguilles DHT sont uniques et sont spécialement conçues pour permettre une pénétration complètement indolore dans les tissus mous. Grâce à un angle très faible il n’y a pas de contact avec le périoste. La pénétration est efficace et sans traumatisme pour l’os. La gamme contient trois longueurs pour couvrir presque tous les besoins – même les injections précédemment inconfortables telles que les infiltrations palatines et les injections médianes supérieures sont totalement indolores pour nos patients – pourquoi devrais-je utiliser autre chose?

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20 years clinical experience
French manufacturer

The guarantee of reliable & state of the art equipment

The reassurance of a manufacturer, expert in dental anesthesia

Aiguille - détail2
  • Effitec Needles are made from stainless steel which reduces the risk of fracture.
  • Their special asymmetrical bevel produces a cutting power similar to that of a scalpel blade
radio dent
  • Over 10 years of clinical feedback
  • Over 10 million intraosseous anesthesias performed per year worldwide

Are you ready to try the painless needle ?

It’s easy, buy them online !